Fighting Loneliness in the Elderly

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When we are in the time of life when we are raising children it can sometimes feel like we will never know a minute’s peace. Each day there is another explosion of yelling, running and wild activity in the house from the moment the kids are born until they are grown and moved out.  It […]

Driving and the Elderly: Having the Difficult Conversation

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Some of the issues involving helping elderly loved ones can be difficult and full of tough decisions. The elderly often face unique medical and lifestyle issues that call upon them and those that love them to find solutions that they can live with. It can be common for the elderly to struggle with limitations related […]

Alzheimer’s Disease: Early Detection Matters

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Courtesy of the Alzheimer’s Association San Fernando Valley Office If you notice any of the 10 warning signs of Alzheimer’s disease in yourself or someone you know, schedule an appointment with your doctor. An early diagnosis of Alzheimer’s provides a range of benefits for the individuals who are diagnosed.  Getting checked by your doctor can […]

Traveling with Alzheimer’s or Another Dementia: A Few Tips

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Courtesy of the Alzheimer’s Association San Fernando Valley Office Living with Alzheimer’s or another dementia does not mean it’s necessary to stop participating in meaningful activities such as travel. However, it does require planning to ensure safety, comfort and enjoyment for everyone.  Here are some basic tips to create a calm, enjoyable travel experience: Plan […]